Sunday, November 29, 2009

Deep Archetypal Masculine Poetics

Deep Archetypal Masculine Identity, Being and Action includes diverse, distinct and distinguished energy forms: King, Lover, Fool, Magician, Father, Warrior, Witness... Light and Shadow elements in our culture, growing and becoming aspects of personalities we "fall into"... petty tyrants, bullies, dumb-schmuck, trickster, angst ridden, rageaholic; unrealized/frustrated masculine... partner of the divine feminine. One who learns to yield and surrender. Poet. Mystic. Provider. Son. Brother. Uncle. Master. and Servant... the masks we wear.

Inquiry: what other essential roles and perspectives hath the masculine? and what current constructs, identities and energies of the feminine are at play in your own imaginarium?? Divine Child, Goddess, Queen, Princess, Sweetheart, Dominatrix, Friend, Huntress, Ex, Boss, Mother, Teacher, Muse...

Further Inquiry: What are your particular gender gifts? How does the deep masculine and feminine manifest in your own unfolding? Are you giving your gifts over, surrendering into your self and your generativity? Are your families, friends, colleagues and lovers hearing you and you them? Are you exchanging brilliant thought forms with each other and if not, why are you holding on to ancient secrets, denying or holding back on your own genius and subsequently not fully realizing the collective/ collaborative projects that potentially may manifest between us?!

One such creative collaboration I am wondering about is Ritual Theatre: what does it look, sound and feel like when we consciously and intentionally enact/embody archetypal image/energies in relation to the issues of our time: ecological uncertainty, political unrest/upheaval, threats of conflict, illness, financial breakdowns, divorce and social isolation??

We need fresh vision and intentional, strategically informed actions. We need to source/access primal energies that inspire, inform, enlighten ourselves and each other with epiphanies and meta-transformative insights. We are capable of shifting our perspectives and our identities, of expanding and evolving our essential nature and more substantially fulfilling our purpose for being. We are each singularly creative, each with our own genius and qualitative contributional capacities.

Where can you join ? What inspires your deep internal process? How do you tap into the deep masculine and feminine potentialities within your own self?

Please feel free to comment on this, to share your own vision.
This has been inspired by some family interactions around my dad's recent illness and some epihnaies I experienced tonight; as well and importantly, by my whyze guyz mens circle; and by R Moore and D Gillette's book: King Warrior Lover and Magician